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The Raffa Learning Community’s mission is to empower nonprofit and association executives with practical strategies that work – from investing and beyond.
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In recent weeks, President Trump signed a flurry of Executive Orders implementing a wide array of administration policies related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives designed to ban both public- and private-sector programs encouraging DEI and targeting federal contractors and grant recipients that advance DEI and environmental justice. New requirements for federal award recipients to certify – under the threat of criminal penalties – that they do not operate any “illegal” DEI programs is causing palpable consternation in segments of the nonprofit community.

Keeping reserves for a “rainy day” is a good practice for all nonprofits, but how much should your organization set aside? A percentage of annual budget? Three-to-six months? The answer is: it depends. Every nonprofit is unique and can experience distinct unexpected circumstances that may affect its long-term financial health. This engaging session focuses on how to conduct a risk assessment that will assist your nonprofit in quantifying financial risks and opportunities. Once completed, this risk assessment aims to assist in finding the appropriate reserve level for your organization.

Key Takeaways:

Gain valuable insights into how much the “typical” nonprofit holds in reserve through Raffa’s Study on Nonprofit Investing.
Understand how your organization can assess risks and opportunities to find the appropriate level of reserve.
Learn how to build out a reserve policy that documents your review and serves as valuable context for future stakeholders.

This joint presentation between Raffa and CBIZ builds on key discussions from The GivingBlock’s recent webinar, which explained nonprofit tax rules for crypto and the benefits of nonprofits embracing crypto donations.

Raffa is a CAE Registered Provider

Raffa Investment Advisers is a Registered Provider of CAE programs through ASAE. A CAE Registered Provider is an organization that has formally registered with the CAE Program and is committed to providing education that meets the CAE Commission’s standards for helping individuals earn or maintain the Certified Association Executive credential. 

If you are a CAE, each hour of Raffa content can be identified toward one CAE credit, if applicable.

OUR Community Principles

Raffa was created specifically for nonprofits and associations. The Raffa Learning Community was born out of conversations with our 148 nonprofit and association clients*.

We’ve heard from leaders that they’re eager to connect with and learn from their peers. We want to use the extensive network we’ve built over the past 20 years to create a supportive, engaging executive learning community.

*as of 7/31/24

Rich content and practical strategies from top nonprofit and partner voices are at the heart of every session. You’ll leave with tools and templates you can put into practice.
Dynamic Discussions
Our events are built to be interactive and engaging. We are a curious, cameras-on community.
Impactful Connections
Build relationships and get support from other nonprofit and association decision makers.
How Does Your Investment Program Compare to Your Peers?

Explore Raffa’s Study on Nonprofit Investing for a decade of insights on nonprofit investing.

Study on Nonprofit Investing SONI - icon